Best Performing Tickets
The table below lists the tickets whose best matches are
at a certain level and have performed the best of all such tickets at that level
(using lower level matches as a tie-breaker).
Best Ticket Number of matches
Match Numbers 5+T 5 4+T 4 3+T 3 2+T 1+T T Total Prizes
5+Tball 05 26 29 31 32 (08) 1 1 1 1 2 29 17 81 1064 506,255
5-match 03 26 27 36 38 (13) 0 2 1 2 2 25 18 88 1091 11,360
4+Tball 15 17 26 28 30 (13) 0 0 4 1 1 36 22 81 1088 2,105
4-match 04 13 28 34 38 (05) 0 0 0 8 5 29 22 76 1096 1,790
3+Tball 05 09 13 31 32 (11) 0 0 0 0 13 24 15 64 1099 970
3-match 15 16 17 26 30 (04) 0 0 0 0 0 50 19 82 1041 1,100
The table on the left summarises how many tickets had a best performance in each category,
assuming that every ticket combination had been bought for each of the 3613 lotteries so far.
The table on the right indicates the top 10 tickets in order of total number of prizes won using the same assumption. Best Tickets Pos Won Amount Ticket
5+Tball 2,649 ( 0.03%) 1 1321 594,251,010 06 07 11 22 26 (03)
5-match 34,339 ( 0.43%) 2 1320 590,751,155 03 20 24 29 30 (13)
4+Tball 436,005 ( 5.41%) 3 1319 589,501,370 03 11 18 24 30 (03)
4-match 3,927,739 ( 48.73%) 4 1318 595,250,860 11 12 22 26 34 (13)
3+Tball 3,089,922 ( 38.33%) 5 1318 594,750,920 16 20 22 24 34 (13)
3-match 569,944 ( 7.07%) 6 1318 583,751,300 10 22 30 32 34 (13)
Winners 8,060,598 (100.00%) 7 1316 588,750,955 03 17 20 24 29 (03)
---------------------------- 8 1316 580,751,350 10 22 30 32 34 (03)
Total 8,060,598 9 1315 591,750,890 03 07 12 30 32 (03)
10 1314 595,500,940 02 03 14 26 30 (03)
- You can follow the best match links to display the ticket histories.
- The 2-match category is omitted because all tickets have
now managed at least a 3-match.
- This page took 23 minutes and 1 second to generate.
© Richard K. Lloyd & Connect Internet Solutions Limited 2024
Disclaimer - This is an unofficial UK lottery site
Auto-generated at 8.40pm GMT on Saturday 21st December 2024