[UK National Lottery Logo]

UK National Lottery good causes

URL: http://www.lottery.culture.gov.uk/

Maintained by: Dept. Culture, Media, Sport

Rating: 8/10

Last connected OK: This week

Strangely, this separate site has been set up in addition to the pages already on www.culture.gov.uk and yet the latter doesn't link to the former (in fact, it would make sense to move all of this Department's lottery pages onto this domain, rather than splitting them across two sites).

In a spectacularly major oversight, the Sema Group who designed these pages only allow frames-supporting browsers to see them, which is a serious error. They've also gone for a trendy spiral book page and tabbed folder look, which fails to display correctly if your browser is quite narrow. The presentation sadly distracts from what's actually quite a good site w.r.t. content - it includes information on the lottery grant bodies and a neat grant search capability.


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